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Monday, August 10, 2015

You’ve Been Pooping The Wrong Way All Your Life And You Don’t Even Know About It!

Do you think you are pooping right? Well, if you are a part of the Western civilization, it’s most likely that you are not pooping right. 

The scientists from the Pelvic Floor Clinic, at Stanford University, are claiming that our body is created in such way that it’s more natural for it to squat than to sit. If you take a look on the history of the bathroom habits, it all makes it clear.

The improper fecal elimination could cause hernias, inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, diverticulosis and hemorrhoids.
Pooping In A Wrong Way
In a research from 2003, the researchers observed about 30 people. They’ve been divided into 3 groups and into 3 diverse positions. The first group was sitting on lower one, the second group was sitting on higher toilet and the third one was squatting. Hence, it was found out that pooping was way more easier in squatting position and it was also quicker done than in the other positions.
In accordance to a gastroenterologist, Anish Sheth, MD, the squatting is having certain physiologic sense for sure. Into standing position, the colon is strapped against the puborectalis muscles. This is causing decal continence, till it is time to go to a toilet. Sitting down is relaxing the muscles partly and the muscles are completely relaxed in a squatting position that results with colonstraightening. This is easing the pooping procedure.
In the standard medical text called Bockus’s Gastroenterology, from 1964, it’s written that the squatting position is the perfect posture for defecation and the thighs need to be fixed upon your abdomen. This is precisely the same way that our ancestors was using for elimination.
The Benefits of Squatting
The squatting is preventing the waste stagnation that could cause a colon cancer. It’s way easier and faster to eliminate into squatting position. The pelvic nerves and the pelvic floor are responsible for the health of the prostate, sexuality and the control of the bladder. They are protected by the squatting. The small intestine is secured and the waste doesn’t enter and pollute the small intestine. Squatting is very helpful for the pregnant women with the natural delivery. Also, it’s avoiding a compression on the uterus. Nerves are controlling the prostate, bladder and uterus are secured from being stretched and harmed.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

See How To Get Rid Of Sore Throat and Tonsillitis In Just 4 Hours!

Tonsillitis is really scary and serious condition. 

Usually, the doctors say that surgery is the best and the only way of treatment, but that’s not true at all. 

There are many natural, home remedies that have been proven as very effective for treating tonsillitis.
See How To Get Rid Of Sore Throat and Tonsillitis In Just 4 Hours!
As we have already mentioned, there are many natural treatments and today we will present you the best and most effective one.
The seeds of cumin are used since ancient times and are very powerful for healing tonsillitis and sore throat. This natural remedy is an amazing solution for this painful issue, and just 4 hour are enough for solving this problem. There is no need to use all those expensive chemical drugs, because you can find all that you’ll need in the kitchen.
Always have in mind that our ancestors have threaten numerous diseases and health issues with folk medicine and were healthier and long-lived. All those recipes passed from one generation to another and we have the blessings to feel their benefits.
Try this super effective remedy for treating sore throat and tonsillitis and feel the great results that you will get in very short time! Here it is:

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon whiskey or cognac
  • cumin or black seeds – 80 grams
  • water – 250 ml filtered


Pour 200 ml water over cumin seeds and put everything to boil for about fifteen minutes. You need to get a black and thick texture. Then, strain and add in 50 ml that remained  and put back everything to boil again. In the end, add 1 tablespoon of cognac or whiskey.
Take 1 tablespoon of this remedy on every 30 minutes, and within 2 hours you will feel a relief. And after just 4 hours, all the symptoms will disappear completely.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

This is The Reason Why You’re Going To Freeze Lemon From Now On!

Another experimental study has demonstrated how limonoids, that natural existent in lemons and different citrus organic products avoid

and unequivocally stop the advancement of growth cells, particularly breast tumor!
Researchers highlight that you mustn’t discard anything from the lemon: the juice, the seeds or the covering!

The lemon skin has 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the juice.
This is The Reason Why You’re Going To Freeze Lemon From Now On!

Lemon has anti-carcinogenic effects, and an entire lemon can help your body discharge toxins, it has an anti-microbe impact against bacterial contaminations and parasites, is extremely successful against inward parasites and worms, manages the blood pressure, it is great anti-depressant and t is great  battle against anxiety and apprehensive issue.
Not only for the healthy reason, you can enjoy in its flavor, especially the skin, in the following way:
It is very easy. Take one non-sprayed lemon (if you don’t have home growth, buy organic lemon from bigger stores or healthy food ships), wash it good and put it in the freezer (you can put slice or whole lemon)
After freezing, takeout and grind it.
Freezing lemon like this can be put in ice-cream, soups, cereals, pasta, your favorite drinks or on/in anything else!
You will taste new flavor, which will be awesome and your body will be grateful for being health.

This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever!

Women from the East are using this natural recipe for many centuries.

 There’s no person on the earth that is not getting nervous when facial hair is in question.

 Most common problem is with appearance of hair above the lips. If you had the same problem, you probably tried to remove this hair with wax. We will show you much effective and natural solution that is helping to many women on the East.
.This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever!
This amazing mixture removes hair and is calming your skin too. It makes your skin healthy and glowing. The ingredients are full with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Even if there are people who don’t pay attention on the skin health, they should! Everything that is coming in contact with our skin is getting absorbed directly into our blood, which is making the skin biggest organ of our body


1 tbsp oatmeal paste
2 tbsps of honey
2 tbsps of lemon juice

Simply, mix everything together and apply them on the affected area. Let the mixture rest for 15 minutes, and after that wash the face with warm water. Apply face cream and you are done. Repeat this process two or three times in a week, and after one month your facial hair will be gone.

he acids of lemon juice can be irritating, but there are a lot of skin benefits from them. This wonderful juice diminishes age spots and scars, heals acne, exfoliates the skin, lightens and brightens the skin, removes wrinkles, tones and moisturizes oily skin.

Honey contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds that are reducing appearances of scars, and boost tissue regeneration. It can also help with removing of wrinkles and acne. Honey restores lost hydration to the deepest layers of skin that was overexposed to sun.

Oatmeal paste soothes itchy, irritated, and dry skin thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds called avenanthramides.

Lose Fat In Your Waist, Legs And Hips In Record Time!

You want to lose weight on a particular part of your body, like the legs or waist, and with doing so you don’t want 

to affect your figure? This article will show you how to solve this problem and how to get rid of the excess fat effectively.

Fat in the area of the armpits!

This type of fat will prevent you to wear  your favorite dress or sleeveless shirt. It doesn’t look good for sure. This could be a sign that your thyroid gland doesn’t work properly, and that it works slower than it should be. So in this situation it’s recommended to reduce or avoid the consumption of processed beets, soybeans, cabbage, strawberries, peaches and broccoli. Instead you should consume onions, salmon, liver, tuna, seaweed, nuts and whole grains. And of course, stress are highly prohibited for you.

Fat deposits in the upper arms!

This kind of fat means that your body lacks the hormone –  testosterone. If you want to normalize the level of testosterone in your body,  you have to make sure that you get enough sleep, make love frequently, do exercises that include the muscles on your upper arms and to avoid frustration and stress at all costs. You should also avoid sweets and you shouldn’t starve. Try to eat flax seed, avocado and salmon as much as you can.

The fat deposits on the buttocks and hips!

You can eliminate this type of fat if you base your diet on whole grains, vegetables, yogurt and fruit. This fat  is a result of high levels of estrogen in our body. So you need to stop the consumption of carbonated and alcoholic beverages, tranquilizers and coffee.

Fat around the waist!

This kind of fat indicates that the insulin secretion is out of control. In order to reduce it you should eat fish, broccoli, seafood, and combine it with spices like cinnamon or chili, then blueberries, cranberries and green tea every day. You should start consuming whole grain bread to. This will cleanse your organism and it will reduce the insulin secretion at a optimal level. Also, cut the usage of soda drinks, alcohol, French fries and candy.